Keller stabilized about 7000 m3 of sensitive clay with the mass soil mixing technique for the construction of a new park, Skårerparken in Lørenskog. The soil stabilization was executed with a 35-ton excavator with a 7 m boom, a mixing tool and a connected shuttle for pressurized feeding of binder.

The project
Agaia AS had been contracted by Lørenskog Kommune to execute the works with a new park area between Sverres vei og Sigurds in Lørenskog. Before excavation it was necessary to stabilize the sensitive clay in the ground. Keller was contracted to execute the stabilizing works with the mass soil mixing technique. The mass mixing works were executed with a 35-ton excavator with a 7m boom and a rotating mixing tool.
The challenge
The challenge in this project was mainly to secure a good working flow together with the main contractor Agaia AS and the ground contractor Veflen Entreprenør AS, as well as making sure that all the pockets of sensitive clay in the ground was stabilized.
The solution
The solution in the project was to stabilize the ground with our mass soil mixing technique as opposed to the traditional dry deep soil mixing method with a drilling rig. The solution was chosen due to the limited depths to bedrock which made it possible to reach all areas with the excavator boom. The excavator was connected with a shuttle that fed the machine with a designed binder amount of 40 kg/m3. The mass mixing was executed in cells of 1x5 m down to bedrock over the whole area. A computer system ensured that all the soil in each cell was treated with the designed binder amount. CPT tests after the treatment showed that all tested areas had achieved the minimum designed shear strength values.