Working from floating barges with the daily tides reaching 3m water difference.
High focus on environmental aspects of the works.
Installation of 1016mm x 14.2mm steel pipes for the maximum length of 32.0m.

The project
“Engeløybrua Project“ is the infrastructure endeavor of Nordland Fylkeskommune to upgrade the only bridge between Engeløya and mainland. The existing bridge (one lane) is planned to be replaced with a new bridge structure by the 2024. Foundations of this project consist of 84 steel piles of a 1016mm diameter socketed into good rock.
The challenge
- Working off the barge close to the bridge structure with significant water depth (up to 25m).
- Strict environmental conditions to protect local environment (including fish farm nearby).
- Strict quality tolerances for the steel piles installation.
The solution
- Drilling in reverse circulation (RC) technique to mitigate the sediment pollution of the water by collecting the sediments at the top of the drilling string.
- GPS system used to ensure the drilling angle, azimuth, position and final height are met regardless of the tide water level.
Project facts
Nordland Fylkeskommune
Keller business unit(s)
Keller Geoteknikk
Keller Grundbau
Keller Grundläggning
Main contractor(s)
Implenia Norge AS